Eid Al Adha 2023

Eid Al Adha 2023: When Is It and How Is It Celebrated?

Expected Date and Duration

Eid al Adha 2023, also known as the Feast of Sacrifice, is expected to be celebrated worldwide starting on Wednesday, June 28th, and continuing until Thursday, June 29th.


Eid al-Adha is a significant Islamic festival that commemorates the willingness of the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son as a test of his faith.

Celebrations and Rituals

During Eid al Adha, Muslims traditionally perform the following rituals: *

Qurbani (Animal Sacrifice):

This is the main ritual of Eid al Adha, where Muslims sacrifice an animal to commemorate Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son. The meat is divided into three parts: one for the family, one for friends and neighbors, and one for the poor and needy. *

Eid Prayers:

Special prayers are held on the morning of Eid al Adha, followed by a sermon that emphasizes the importance of faith, sacrifice, and the spirit of sharing. *

Family Gatherings and Feasting:

Eid al Adha is a time for family and friends to gather and celebrate. Traditional dishes are prepared, such as biryani, haleem, and sweet delicacies. *

Exchange of Gifts and Well Wishes:

Muslims often exchange gifts and greetings of "Eid Mubarak" (which means "Blessed Eid") to mark the occasion.

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